Thats Dubai!

Ski Dubai

Ski Dubai is the first indoor ski resort in the Middle East and offers an amazing snow setting to enjoy skiing, snowboarding and tobogganing, or just playing in the snow. Young or old, there is something for everyone, from the beginner to the snow sport enthusiast. Ski Dubai is a unique mountain-themed attraction that offers you the opportunity to enjoy real snow in Dubai all year round.

Dubai Ballons Festival

The first of the 10 day long annual balloon festival in Dubai, to mark off the Dubai Shopping Festival. About 75 balloons participated, and the event is still ongoing. These batch of photos were taken from the Global Village in Dubai, where for this round, 35 balloons were launched.
The organisation of this event was a bit haphazard, but we have been promised that next Friday, all 75 balloons will be launched in the morning - that's something to look forward to! So, hopefully, more photos to come.

Dubai Zoo

Dubai Zoo is the oldest zoo of its kind not only in the United Arab Emirates but also in the Arabian Peninsula. Dubai Zoo also happens to be the first Arabian zoo to breed the rare Chimpanzee and Arabian wild cat.It is a special place of interest and fun for tourists and the people of Dubai. Located in Jumeirah, the Dubai Zoo is a popular attraction, especially for families.The zoo's modern facilities though small, house many indigenous Arabian species, including the Arabian Wolf, which is no longer found in the wild, Gordon's Wildcat and the world's only captive breeding colony of Socotra Cormorants.Featured in its large aviary are regional birds of prey. Nine species of large cats and seven species of primates are on show, along with many Arabian mammals. The zoo is shortly to undergo relocation and redevelopment allowing animals to live in areas designed to be as similar to their natural environment as possible

In Dubai you will find many, many interesting things that you will not never be able to leave Dubai